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Three workplace injuries that can lead to chronic pain

On Behalf of | Apr 10, 2024 | Injuries

Factory workers are particularly prone to workplace injuries that can lead to chronic pain due to the nature of their work. More often than not, the injuries they sustain in the workplace bring persistent and long-lasting pain that goes beyond the immediate aftermath of an accident. This affects their physical and mental well-being, financial stability, and overall quality of life.

To help determine the steps needed to mitigate the prevalence of chronic pain injuries among factory workers, here is a breakdown of the most common injuries in the sector.

  • Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI): These injuries are particularly prevalent among skilled workers in the manufacturing and construction sectors. Employees in these industries typically engage in repetitive tasks that require the same movement over extended periods. RSIs commonly affect certain body parts like hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders.
  • Back Injuries: Back pain accounts for one out of five workplace injuries reported annually in the United States. This injury is a typical result of heavy lifting, sudden movements or prolonged periods of sitting or standing.
  • Knee and joint pain: Musculoskeletal disorders that affect the knees and joints are among the most widespread health concerns within the industrial sector. This is particularly true for workers who spend a considerable amount of time kneeling, bending, or working on uneven surfaces.

Addressing work-related chronic pain injuries

Sustaining injuries at the workplace is a serious health and legal matter, especially if the injury leads to long-term pain or disability. In the case of chronic pain, recognizing the symptoms, disclosing the injury and seeking appropriate medical care right away is a crucial step to securing the compensation they deserve. Getting professional legal assistance can also help them navigate the complexities of securing workers’ compensation.

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