Protecting Injured Workers
And Their Families For The Short And Long Term

Always see a doctor after suffering a blow to the head at work

On Behalf of | Dec 3, 2018 | Workers' Compensation, Workplace Accidents

Workers in different fields and types of workplaces may suffer from blows to the head while on the job, whether on the assembly line at a plant or the records room in an office park. Even if the incident does not initially seem very serious, it is important for any worker who receives a blow to the head to seek professional medical care as soon as they can. Even minor head injuries can result in harm to the brain, which may cause symptoms that significantly change the way that a victim processes information and communicates with others.

A minor brain injury is often much more dangerous than victims realize. This is because its effects are not always easily identifiable. If the victim never receives medical care after the accident, they may forget about the incident entirely and never make the connection between their symptoms and the injury. If the symptoms weren’t so destructive, this may not be a major concern, but the symptoms are often very destructive to both the victim and those around them. In some cases, workers who suffer head injuries may destroy their professional and personal relationships before they realize they have a serious injury at all.

Symptoms of mild traumatic brain injuries

A mild traumatic brain injury, or TBI, can be challenging to identify and treat. These injuries cause disruptions in the functions of the brain, but do not shut down the brain entirely. At the same time, a mild TBI may cause different kinds of symptoms, which may not be the same symptoms another victim experiences from a similar injury.

The range of symptoms caused by a mild TBI may include

  • Headaches
  • Ongoing nausea
  • Seizures
  • Disorientation
  • Difficulty interpreting writing
  • Difficulty understanding spoken conversations
  • Volatile reactions to frustration
  • Difficulty completing familiar tasks

While these are not the only symptoms that a mild TBI may cause, they are some of the most common. If you believe that you suffer from any of these symptoms, or if you recognize them in someone you love, don’t hesitate to seek a full medical examination.

Workplace difficulty

While all the symptoms listed above are serious, the changes that some victims find the most difficult to handle in the workplace are complications understanding what they read or hear in conversation, volatile reactions to frustration, and difficulty finishing familiar tasks.

In the workplace, this may mean that a victim misunderstands instructions or requests from team members or management and then becomes volatile when they cannot complete a task that they know should be simple or familiar.

These complications can easily derail the victim’s career, because without proper treatment, they are much weaker team members. Without being able to link these adverse consequences to the workplace injury, workers may see their symptoms destroy their careers.

Don’t put your own career in jeopardy by avoiding proper diagnosis and treatment after a blow to the head. Be sure to consider all your legal options carefully as you examine your own circumstances, and ensure that you keep your rights and priorities secure while you work toward a full recovery.

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